Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Babies, Books, and Beef

Wow, these last two weeks have been something else! I don't even know where to begin. Last week, my friend from work went into labor. She had previously asked me to be her labor coach of sorts so I was so excited to be able to go with her. She went into labor at night and I was at work so our other friend Vanessa and I left a little early to go help the mama out. She had decided to have him at the birthing center where I had Spencer. Anyone who has heard my story knows how special Spencer's birth was to me. As I was there witnessing this miracle, I was very emotional. It was only 13 months prior that I was there in the same situation having my baby boy. After a relatively short labor, and mama doing the most outstanding job I have ever seen, little Kyler came into this world and I am so honored to have been a part of it.

I have been a little overwhelmed this week, with all the chores that are getting behind, the laundry piling up, lack of sleep from the previous scenario. I had a few moments where I have thought, "What the heck am I doing?". Sometimes I feel like I have taken on too much with the kids, and school and work and my volunteer class, but somehow I always recover, my assignments get turned in on time, I make it to appointments, and there is always something for the kids to eat or wear.

Next week I am putting our order in for a quarter beef. We have a freezer to accomodate it and we got some pieces from the farmer last week and so far I am very impressed. We still have had no fast food with the exception of the deli sandwiches for the last two months, and I refuse to buy the beef from the stores. It felt so good to make a pot roast with grass fed beef and I even seasoned it all on my own with no help from McCormick. I might just learn how to cook after all.

This next week will be chaotic. The older girls are going to audition for a part in the Missoula Children's Theatre production of Pinnocchio. They participated last year in Red Riding Hood and loved it. I hope they both get a part. Bridget is sick with a stomach bug again and Spencer has feverish episodes with teething but all in all we are managing alright.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

busy girl! I am enjoying reading your blog! We have so much in common, but on an opposite scale. My 4 boys and 2 girls, I wanted the girls!! My oldest will also be ten when my youngest is 1. Why did you move so far away?! I miss you!...and seriously, when I read your posts, I read it in your slight southern accent. HAha!