Monday, April 25, 2011

It's almost over

I'm pretty sure I have SAD.  For those of you not knowing.. SAD=Seasonal Affective Disorder.  Now I'm not trying to make excuses but man I think this stuff is for real!  Sun=happiness, clouds=gloominess.  My whole persona depends on the weather a lot of times and darn it, I'm ready for spring!  We have been teased relentlessly on Springs' arrival and I am just ready for it.

I have been cooking a bit more lately so my kids aren't living off cold cereal and waffles lately.  No real ambition to try anything new as of yet.  Hopefully when our CSA from Spyglass Gardens starts up we will have more fresh goods to add in our diet.  We get to visit the farm in May and I think that is pretty neat.  I mean it doesn't get much closer to home than driving to the next town and seeing where your fruits and veggies are going to come from.  Now if only the meat situation were a little more convenient.

The Chickies are getting HUGE!  Its amazing how fast they grow.  I added 2 more little ones to the flock so now I have 7.  Reasoning behind this? I wanted 5 chickens.  We were suspecting 2 were roosters so Brent's co-worker agreed to take them a little later when they were a bit bigger but before they start to crow.  So in order to add the new "replacements" in when they are too old, I got 2 more babies.  Now I think one of the "boys" is still a girl.. sooo we are going to have to figure out who is going and who is staying.

These were taken about a week ago so they are actually a bit bigger now.  Yesterday Brent went and picked up the coop, and today he spent most of the afternoon getting the space ready and started putting it together.  He worked so hard out there while I finished up my homework assignments.  I know its been horrible with my homework taking up my weekends.. but its almost over. Only 2 more weeks and I regain my weekends to do with as I please.  just PLEASE let me make it out alive.  I don't care if I ever see another equation, logarithm or quadratic in my life after this.  I'm actually thinking of taking some general education courses next semester, even though I don't need them just to give myself a little break before finishing up the rest of my degree.  I have been going pretty hard for the last couple years and I'm feeling burned out.

So now, I have to figure out what color to paint the coop.  I have been trying to tackle little projects here and there and am hoping when classes are out I can get more accomplished.  As soon as its done, pics will be posted.  Oh..and I am an aunt again!!!! Congrats to my sister and her beautiful addition to the family.  

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Busy Days

Seems like I have no time anymore.  School always get so tough around the last 6 weeks of the semester and this year I am struggling.  Now that the house is ours, we have so much to do to it and keep it up and going. I felt fairly productive today.  I finally went grocery shopping for the first time in a month.  We switched out the beer fridge that came with the house with our real one that was in the garage.  I delved into the front flower bed that is a horrible mess of creeping Myrtle and River Rock.  That will take a little time to clear out and an ad on Craigslist to get rid of the rock, then I can landscape out there finally.  We cut out the rose bushes also.  I hated those blasted things and the aphids they brought each spring.  The chicksters went out to play for a little while and you could tell they loved it.  I cleaned up the poo from the side yard, Brent cut down a couple small trees, the kids rode their bikes.  All in all it was a good day.

Tomorrow will be just as busy.  I will have to somehow find time to do laundry, do homework, clean out the chick brooder, finish taking down a partial wire fence in the yard, the grass needs mowed and trimmed, the house picked up and the kids requested I make Tamales for dinner.  The meat is slow cookin now but the Masa for the tamales take a while to make as well and I have to make salsa.  I love my salsa, and I love tamales.  I like being busy though.  It keeps my mind busy and I feel so much better at the end of the day when I have accomplished something.  I'm so thankful the weather wasnt as wet and almost snowy as was predicted, but instead the sun shone and the wind blew, and I was able to go outside and that is what matters.