Saturday, August 6, 2011

Jess's Pizzaria

I still can't make homemade bread.  I have tried and successfully failed many times.  But what I have mastered.. is Pizza crust.  Our family eats a LOT of pizza.  More than we should. Since we quit dining out almost 2 years ago, Pizza was about the only thing we would order out or go to eat somewhere.  I tried a few different ones and eventually asked my buddy Scott, if he knew of ANY good easy no-fail pizza crusts.  He led me here...Mitch's basic pizza dough . I gave it a whirl and he was right.. it was fool proof.  I have made this one over and over many times and its always worked out so I figured I needed to share.

According to the recipe you add the yeast to the water.  I never have regular yeast because really, I don't have time for bread to rise twice, I do have a life and sometimes, I just plain don't start on dinner early enough.  So, using Rapid Rise, which is what I always have on hand, you add the yeast to 1C of the flour and set the other 2.5 C aside.  Then after mixing the water with the honey in my handy dandy KitchenAid mixer until the honey dissolves, I add the 1C of yeast flour to the mixer and let it stir until combined.  Then I just follow the rest of the recipe like usual.

The honey is a huge part of this recipe I think.  It allows the dough to be stiff enough for it not to get soggy under all the ingredients.  It always comes out crispy.  The other thing I like is that I can make 2 batches and it is enough to make 2 pizzas and a cheesy bread, or 7 individual pizzas and a cheesy bread.  That way I can just let each person put their own toppings on or if time is tight, just make two large ones and a cheesy bread.

The other night My husband asked me to make homemade pizza and I sort of sighed, then he asked me why I wasn't flattered that they all wanted MY pizza instead of ordering out.  Needless to say, I got to work.

This is what we ended up with:
Olive and cheese before cooking (For Brent and the girls)
After- You just get more pieces in a square pizza.
To make the cheesy bread, I poke holes in the crust just as I do with the pizza to keep it from bubbling up and then put a small layer of butter over it. I mix some garlic bread sprinkle into the cheese mixture which is just mozzarella and cheddar.
Who cares if it isn't round!
Turkey pepperoni for me, cheese for the boys.

A while back, when Brent was out of town with the two older girls, I made homemade pizza for me and the kidlets.  Of course I made individual ones and they had a blast creating their own.  I love that I was able to calculate what was on my own pizza and it actually came to just a little over 500 calories and I can NEVER finish the whole thing.  To me that is way better than any pizzeria.

It was a lot of fun and the kids like being able to make their very own pizza, so if you need a recipe that is easy and pretty fool proof, then this is a great one to try. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

No pain no gain?

So approximately 3 months ago I decided to get off my butt and whip it into shape.  I thought this would make me feel better and in many ways it has.  I have done videos at home, some strength training and was going to the gym at least 4 times a week.  I enjoyed my time at the gym a lot for a few reasons.  It felt good to go work out, and I got time away just to myself.  I even joined a Summer stay fit challenge and was doing really well logging my time and staying accountable.  Then something happened.

I became injured.  Technically I think I was already injured to a degree and the exercise aggravated it.  I have worked on tile covered concrete floors for over 17 years and it has taken a toll on my feet.  I had dealt with things like Plantar fasciitis before, but now It has impaired my day to day life.  When I first started exercising it didn't hurt too bad and I figured it was because I had been sedentary for so many years, I expected a few aches and pains and I worked through them.  Once I started running it took the pain to a whole different level.

Saturday my feet were feeling ok, so I decided to go for a run.  I have even signed up for a 5K which I am so excited about.  But immediately after I got home, my feet were hurting very badly.  I have been icing them, stretching them.. and nothing helps.  Its been 3 days and still I can barely walk without limping.  I think now it is time for a visit to the Dr.  I didn't want it to come to this but I don't think I have a choice.

I have so many emotions I didn't think I would have since my feet have been hurting.  I MISS exercising.  I hate not being able to go for a run in the mornings.  I can't even enjoy a walk with the family.  I am angry that I have made HUGE steps to bettering my health, including losing over 20 lbs, and now this has put a halt on what I feel has been instrumental to the process.  I'm worried if I am not moving, I will stop losing.  Can I lose on diet alone? I guess time will tell.  I am also angry that my personal goal of running the 5K will be nearly impossible now.  I went from barely being able to run 2 minutes straight 3 months ago, to running nearly a mile. I have almost 2 months before the 5K and I was sure I would be able to run the whole thing by then and now I don't think it will be possible.  I am worried that going to the Dr. will lead to bad news.  Do I have to stay off my feet? What about work, they hurt every night after work.  Will it ultimately lead to surgery to remove the heel spurs causing so much pain? Is it really heel spurs or is it something worse?

There are so many unanswered questions and what-ifs.  School starts in a couple of weeks and my "extra" time is going to be extremely limited.  I can't go backwards now, not when I have accomplished so much.  All I can do is hope that this isn't too serious and I will be able to stay the path I have started for myself.