Sunday, February 5, 2012

Mary, Mary quite contrary....

How does your garden grow? Well it's that time of year,  frost is on the ground, snow is in the mountains, and I am dreaming of the fall harvest. I'm determined to grow a garden this year. We decided not to renew our CSA membership  and we are going to build two or three raised beds and grow our own produce instead.

I have tried many, many times to grow things in pots and  in the ground with very little success.  I managed to harvest about 4 chili peppers one year off one plant and the first year we were here, we were able to gather quite a few cherry tomatoes and zucchini from the garden that was already here.  Now the chickens reside in that area so we have to build a new one.

I don't know if it's lack of experience in gardening or lack of effort on my part that caused the past failures, and honestly it was probably a combination of both.  I figured if I can keep a flock of 7 chickens alive, then maybe I can grow something also.  Now I am just trying to decide what to grow.  I've priced out the materials, and we have a vague idea of where the beds will go.  I just hope installation doesn't become a huge project and that we don't have to do too much to alter the irrigation in order to make it work.

There is just something so gratifying about producing your own food.  I watched a documentary tonight about the South Central LA farm issue back in 2006.  It was called Save The Farm and there is another one that I will watch next that won many Oscars called The Garden about the same situation.  It was very upsetting, yet moving.  Both of these are available on Netflix instant streaming.  If these people can build a huge garden in the middle of South Central LA, then surely I can can build one in the middle of Idaho.  It will be a labor of love and I will definitely keep you all posted.

On another note, I tried a few new recipes this week.  First I made these homemade granola bars and boy were they good! These are something I am going to be making again.. tomorrow in fact.  My kids gobbled them up and even my husband took one for a snack.  Although I think it's because he is in love with anything he finds on Lauren's Latest .  I thought the flavor was fantastic, very rich but not overpowering.  I am going to attempt some other versions also, like peanut butter and a maple one.  I also made this cream cheese banana bread but the verdict on that will be out tomorrow since it will be breakfast.  It is in no way healthy and it had more ingredients than just about any other quick bread I have ever made, but if it tastes as good as the batter then it will be delicious.

I am researching and brainstorming on what I want my blog to look like, and I will start getting some more pictures up.  I know all this text must be pretty darn boring.  If there is one thing I am uncomfortable doing, it would have to be dealing with and learning new technologies.  My husband picks up on the stuff so easily and to me its like another language, so bear with me and hopefully we will start looking a little more high-class 'round these parts.  

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