Sunday, September 11, 2011

Just a little note.....

.....Because things are so crazy

-chickens are laying eggs.  I'm getting about 5-6 "good" eggs a week, from 2 hens
-kids are in school, Taylor and Bridget seem to like their new school and Gavin loves Kindergarten, Natalie loves being there all day
-I started school.  3 classes, more than I have taken at once since returning to school.. I feel very overwhelmed.
-Brent turned 40! I got him an awesome cake! 
-Hunting season resumed.  It works out well, I spend my weekends studying, he spends them doing what he enjoys.
-I'm going camping with my class for school next week.  I am excited! I love my Ecology class, I am sad, its over Taylor's 11th birthday.  BUT we are going to have a great time the next weekend Roller skating! I'm excited to do that too.
-Taylor=11=me getting old. My baby girl is growing up in way too many ways.
-I am maintaining my weight loss.  I think by not exercising as much and by still eating well, I'm not losing or gaining and I am 100% OK with that.  I am still doing my 5K in 2 weeks, even if I walk the whole damn way I'm doing it. 

Now if I can keep the house in order and keep meals cooked, homework on time and maintain my sanity, I would declare it a victory.  I've done this before, I can do it again.  Thankfully I have a family who helps me through it.

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