Sunday, September 19, 2010


Well I havent updated on our eating misadventures lately so I figured I was overdue.  Easily enough to say, I have not really tried any new recipies lately.  I have stuck with the tried and true and the quick and easy.

What has not gone as well is our quest for total wholesome eating.  On January 1st we pledged to change the way we eat and for the most part we have made some major changes and stuck with them.  We have bought much better meat, eggs, produce.  Cooked more, dined out less, experimented with new foods.  We went out of town a few weeks ago and were faced with having to go out to eat one night.  We only had 2 options and we chose the least expensive of the two.  It was the first non-deli-or-pizza food we had purchased since the beginning of the year.  All I can say about that is regret.  It did not make me feel well at all.

So today we were out with the kids and went out for Taylor's b-day dinner.  Not only was there nothing on the menu that looked good, but the thing I did order was one of two things.. undercooked or overheated.  They were little rubber pieces of chicken.  Gavin didnt want to eat his pizza, Spencer didn't touch his chicken and overall it was not a great experience.  On top of that the sticker shock that I got after recieving a check for 7 people is enough to make one remain abstinate from restaraunts.  From here on out I pledge to refrain from those types of establishments.  We haven't been missing out on anything at all these last 9.5 months.  In fact, I find it a bigger treat when I make a large meal and we sit down at home to eat.

So we have some decisions to make.  We did order a pig from one of Brent's friends for the beginning of the year.  Our beef is almost all gone aside from the ground beef that is left.  We really need to order another 1/4 beef now while we can get it at a discount but that might have to wait.  Luckily hunting season is upon us and I am hoping for a freezer full of upland game bird and some Elk and Deer.  That would really help us with the food bill for sure.

On a lighter note and a future blog topic, I did learn to can these last couple months.  I have made blackberry jam and pickles.  The kids love the pickles and well, the jam was good too and we have enough to last for a while and I have 7 more gallons of berries to turn into jam.  That will keep me busy.

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