Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mama Hen

So as I mentioned, I became the owner of 5 baby chicks this last week.  I had been wanting some for a while, as you may know, "Backyard Chickens" are sort of chic (haha) now.  I actually became interested before the big boom hit about 2 years ago when Natalies' preschool teacher had some hens in her backyard in our subdivision and we would buy eggs from them for $2.00 a dozen.  These were the MOST fantastic eggs I had ever had and I was in love with the novel idea of having a bunch of chickens running around.

I knew I wanted some someday at that point.  But with all things, "someday" was the day we became home owners again and could do what we wanted.  When that day finally arrived, on Friday March 18th, we took the weekend to think about what it meant to be homeowners.. to me it meant freedom!  So Monday I went chicken shopping and when I found out the hatchery was going to have all 4...that I wanted in stock the next day as day-old chicks, I made arrangements to pick them up, set up the brooder, and on Tuesday I brought them home.

Here are my babies :)
Penny Lane  today at 1 week old. She is a Buff Orpington.

Eleanor Rigby is a Light Brahma.  Check out her feathered feet!

Lucy (in the sky with Diamonds) is the largest, she is a Silver Laced Wyandotte.

And Dear Prudence is a supposed Araucana, she will hopefully lay be some beautiful eggs with either green, bright blue, or pink shells.

I know I said I have 5 babies.. well #5 is a Buff Laced Crested Polish.  Now this.. will be a funny looking bird.  I needed a wow factor in my flock and this is it.  Her name will be... *drumroll*... Yoko Ono!

I learned a bit about myself since I got these guys.  I mean why would I want chickens? It isnt proving to be economical.  I mean the coop we bought, the brooder to set up.. feeding them for 4+ months before eggs appear.  Everyone loves babies but for me its more than that.  I loved when my kids were so tiny and depended on me 100%.  I liked the feeling of being needed.  And where my kids still definately "need" me, its different now.  I do NOT want more human babies, nor can we have any but having these babies sort of fulfills my need to nurture a brand new baby.  Even when they are grown the will need me to care for them.  I also really really wanted the kids to have them to help learn some responsibility on pet care.

After I get my new chick, I will post updated pics.. but for now.. night night-4 little chickies all in a row.

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