Thursday, February 2, 2012

Weigh-in Wednesday

I know it isn't Wednesday anymore but I was so unbelievably tired today that I just didn't get to it in time.  Why so tired?  Well today I had a complimentary fitness evaluation with a personal trainer at my new gym this morning at the crack of dawn.  I had no idea what to expect so I went into it with an open mind.

This young kid was there to show me the ropes of the place.  I spent a lot of time at the YMCA last year but I realized that I was only cozy with the elliptical and the treadmill.  I hadn't rendevouz'ed  with the resistance machines much at all.  They are so intimidating to me.  I really have no idea how to use most of the machines and the fear of looking like a moron who doesn't know what they are doing isn't so glamrous to me.  I was happy that he was going to take some time and show me how some of them work.

After a few reps on a handful of machines and also some workouts I can do sans machines, it was time to get down and dirty.  I had to face the hard cold facts of the dreaded BMI and mass distribution.  In other words, how much of this body is fit and how much is flab?  I'm not stupid, I know I am extremely out of shape and I have a lot of weight to lose still, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  The trainer confirmed that my personal goal was realistic and that with diet and exercise, I shouldn't have a hard time reaching that goal.  He also informed me that even though my BMI was too high, I have a lot of lean mass under this layer of flab.  This is really good news and I am pretty happy about it.

As for my weigh-in, I have lost 3 of the 7 pounds I had gained back.  Only 4 to go and I will be back where I was before I lost focus.  I feel my motivation is back finally.  I have been able to run very short periods of time on the treadmill with very little foot pain.  Next week I am going to get fitted for some REAL running shoes with the proper support my feet need.  I am so excited to finally get real running shoes because I know I need proper footwear in order to take care of my feet.

I can't wait for spring.  I have already started looking at races that I can do and am leaning towards the Dirty Dash in August!  How fun will it be to run a 5 mile race in goopy mud??  I also intend on running (not walking) a 5K by the end of the year.  I just want to get moving again.  It feels so good even when I am exhausted.  I need to finish what I started a little less than a year ago.

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