Wednesday, April 21, 2010


This is the best way to describe me at this moment.  Although according to the dictionary, it sort of means depressed, and really, I don't get depressed.  So I guess somber could be fitting as well.  Today it rained, and it didn't just rain, it STORMED, big clashing booming lightning kind of storm.  This may have contributed to my mood.  I love a great storm, however I was as work so I didn't get to enjoy the relaxing effect it typically has on me.

So why am I so glum? Who knows.  I am stressed, I do not like my job, I'm still behind on school work, my four year old son has decided he doesn't love me anymore and finds time to let me know at least 10 times a day.  I keep asking myself where I went wrong with that boy.  I hope it is just a phase because regardless of his behavior, I love him to death.  My Master Naturalist class is almost at its end, this makes me sad.  I love getting out once a week to mingle with like-minded people and learn about nature as it is my first love.  To know it is coming to a close makes me sad, there is only one week left and I will miss it so much.  It feels like there is so much still to learn.  At least now I can get out there and get my volunteer hours in and use some of what I have learned.

Then there is the typical things that usually get me down, like money and finances, not having my own house.  I'm still waiting to hear from my landlord just to get permission to build my raised bed.  I do not like asking permission.  I know my mood will pass, things will look bright again, and I'm really just in a sort of blah mood.  Not depressed, not even sad, just sort of here.  But this mood is good for me, I think well in this mood, I figure things out, I make successful plans, I re-focus.  This too shall pass.

Monday, April 19, 2010

My babies!

I realize I am way behind in my posting.  It has been a crazy couple of weeks.  I have not felt well at all lately, my schoolwork is way behind, and I was preparing for a garage sale that I had this last weekend that was extremely successful.  My laundry is completely lagging, I need to clean my house, I have no food in the house, the girls need their summer clothes out from the garage, I need to come up with a way to make the same amount of money that I am making at Wal-Mart so I can quit that place.  I realize that summer is approaching quickly and I only have about 3 weeks of school left (yay!!)  I want to make sure we are busy this summer, so there are no sitting around couch potatoes here.  Now you probably think I mean my little children, my little babies, but no, not this time.  So what babies can I be talking about?? My veggie babies!! I decided to start some seeds this year and picked a few up and planted them last Tuesday (4-13-10).  within 3 days I had babies!!

The seeds (most organic)

Planting with my "helper"

Day Three!!

I decided to plant what I know we will eat.  Tomatoes (two varities: beefsteak and cherry), zucchini, cucumbers, basil and oregano.  We also aquired 2 cabbage plant starts.  I originally was just going to use containers even though my luck with those in the past has been less than desirable, but Brent and I were talking and he brought up the idea of making a raised bed on our humongous RV pad.  I was excited from the start, knowing it was his idea makes me happier.  I mean, I don't have enough containers to plant in as it is so I would have had to buy some and pots are EXPENSIVE.  I figured that the tools I need to make one like this will cost as much or less than buying the containers I would need and it would probably be more successful.  It will be portable, so it can go when we do, and will be less likely to fall victim to the dog and her spontaneous digging antics.

Day 6

Cukes and Zucchini

Beefsteaks (note the unsprouted cherry tomatoes in the third row...)

So less than a week later, everything has sprouted except the cherry tomatoes.  There is still time and I am trying to remain hopeful and figured if we get this veggie bed built then we can always get some starts to put in it if the cherry tomatoes do not make it.  Tomorrow I will price out the materials and I will continue to update on the progress of the bed.  I am very excited to finally get my own "garden", so to speak.  Now if only I can get some chickies.. I found some chicks for two bucks but I don't have a coop and not enough funds to build a bird-dog proof chicken coop for my 3 chickens I want AND the garden.. so again.. the chickies will have to wait.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

You want to do what?

I will be the first to admit I have come up with some CRAZY ideas in the past.  Unrealistic ideas and dreams.  Although I think you can't be afraid to dream, or take a leap with your eyes closed.  My whole life has revolved around me searching for my dreams to become reality and me taking giant leaps of faith.  I'm not really afraid of new things and a lot of times I just wish I had the time and energy to spend on some of these things (and money).  I mean really.. my whole marriage and life as I know it resulted on a giant leap of faith, and love.

So, upon my quest for a healthier lifestyle, there are some fun things I would like to do.  Our old neighbors had their own chickens.  We bought our eggs from them when we lived over there and it was what got me hooked on happy chicken eggs.  Well I have met more and more people who raise happy chickens, and learned it isn't too difficult to keep your own.  I will probably wait until we get our own house, but I do think I want some chickens.  Until then.. research research research.

Another thing I think I want to attempt is some container gardening.  There is a beautiful article in Mother Earth News Magazine on container gardening.  My past futile attempts yeilded NO fruits or veggies.  It might have helped to actually water the plants every once in a while. Mental note: Great chore for the kids, water the plants.   Who would have thought!  There is absolutely nothing I like more than ripe tomatoes.  I mean really it is like my most favorite summertime treat.  I am determined to sucessfully grow some tomatoes this year.  I'd love to build a long wooden planter for a row of fresh veggies.  Maybe May isn't too late to get that started.. you know.. when school is over.  I can' accomplish any extra activities until school is out.

So until we are comfortable in our own home, I will support my local farmers and their happy chickens, and try to plan out my container garden.  I want this summer to be fruitful and well, fun!  Happy gardening!