Sunday, May 2, 2010


Holy camole... what a week this has been.So much has happened that I can't think of any better way to explain it than to just wrap it up in one blog post.

My Master Naturalist class ended.  I am very sad, I loved my free Tuesdays to learn and mingle with like-minded people and learn so many things.  I am now looking forward to volunteering to fulfill my 40 hr volunteer requirements to become certified.  This week I went to a Class in the Creek and helped out for a little bit.  It was fun watching all the kids discover what critters were living in the river.

Where's the Beef?  That's right, here baby, in my big ol' freezer.  I went at the end of last week to pick up our 1/4 cow.  We have already had steaks twice and are having roast later this week.  Honestly those steaks were so freakin good.  I cannot describe how good they were.  One can only live off ground beef and fish for so long.

We are in the market for a place to live.. again.  We have lived here for 4 years and will soon be moving to our 4th house.  Last Sunday we were informed that our landlords were foreclosing on this house and we were going to have to find a new place at some point.  We also discovered that for the last 6 months they were pocketing our rent money and not using it for the mortgage payment. This did not settle with me well.  This was supposed to be our last rental, we were supposed to become homeowners after this.  Right now it isn't looking promising for us to have a home unless we get lucky and fall into an owner financing deal.  So needless to say, I am NOT building my garden, so local-yokels, if you are in the market for some veggie plants, they are all doing great and will be ready for new homes in a few weeks.  I am so bummed that I cannot grow them in my garden bed like I had hoped.  I am also very disturbed to the possibility of having to uproot the kids again.  They have moved far too much in their short lives.

I am not dying, I don't have some sort of cancer or underlying disorder causing my pain in my ovary and lumps in my breasts.  All my uber expensive tests I had done came out "within normal limits"  so no scare there.  However I have a theory as to why my cycle is so out of whack.   You know how they say a woman will become synchronized with others around them?  Well I am thinking my tween daughter whom I thought was far too young to deal with this caliber of a nuisance might have something to do with it.  So parents, just when you think you have time to explain things to your pre-teens, you might not have as much time as you think.  I think this is opening up a whole new can of worms to come and I was NOT prepared.  One day at a time.  I seriously think that there is something to all the theories that all the hormones our children are consuming daily is causing them to develop at a faster rate.

On a lighter note, school is over in one week!! I have 3 tests left and then "School's out for Summa!"  I am stoked.. I mean there is so much I want to do and now more things I have to do, that not having to worry about reading or tests or labs is excellent.  I do have to figure out my classes for next semester though which is not looking good.  I either have to go one more additional semester OR take three classes in the Fall if I want to graduate in the Spring.  For sanity's sake I think going one more semester might be worth it, however I just wanna be done! I want to finish up and get it over with.  So only time will tell. 

Well thats generally whats been going on.  Life get's crazier by the second.  Now I suppose I better get to reading so I can take one of the three tests tonight.  One step closer.  Then maybe I can do a better job on posting on here.

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