Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Silver Lining of my Rain Cloud

With all that is going on in life lately, you would think I would have a ton to write about, but instead it is the opposite, I cannot think of what to write.  It's quite possible that lately, not much has been going well and I don't feel like reflecting or bitching about how my life seems to suck lately and things just aren't fair.  Inside I am a screaming two year-old throwing that kind of tantrum that embarasses the parent, the checkout girl, the other patrons and the siblings of the one throwing the tantrum.  I tend to wear my emotions on my shirt sleeve and it's hard to put on the game face.  So yes, I will admit that things aren't so great now, and I don't always cope so well, but, I am trying to take the time to reflect on what is going right in my little chaotic mess of a world and when I look hard enough I can find some good.

Among these would be:
-My 5 children.  They drive me absolutely batty all the time, and I don't realize it all the time.. but snuggling with my oldest watching a movie, having a tickle fest with the second, a sweet kiss from the third, the HILARIOUS things my son says, and the grins and dimples of my precious baby.  There is nothing that compares.
-My husband. All odds against us, we have conquered a lot. I think we make a good team.

-Having a job.  I don't like my job, but like people keep reminding me... at least I have one.
-My family.  They are thousands of miles away, but always there if I need them.
-Being able to experience the awesomeness of this state.  If only we had gotten here a little sooner.
-My friends.  I admit, I have very few people I can call a great friend.  But the few I have managed to keep over the years and miles, are all I really need.
-My health and mind.  I may not be slim and trim, but i'm relatively healthy and thankful I have the ability to use my mind and am able to keep learning every day.

I know some of these are so cliche.  But these are THE things that keep me going daily.  If not for the kids and my husband? What would I be dreaming for?  Why would my desire to keep working matter, who would I be providing for?  I wouldn't be where I am today without my family and Brent's family.  If we weren't in Idaho, we would be in hell #1, Wyoming, or hell #2, Nebraska still.  My friends! They listen to me even if I know they probably don't care, they still listen to me vent.

I like to hope that things will get better soon, that things could always be a heck of a lot worse.  We aren't rich, but are surrounded with other riches that cannot be bought or have a value placed on it.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Amen to that! You will find the sunshine after the storm, Jessica. You always do because you are 1 tough lady! I'm praying for happy days for you!