Thursday, August 19, 2010

Hello Salmon, here I come...

The weekend I had been planning for since the spring had finally came.  I had blogged about this trip before and how I was going to "get in shape" to toss some salmon around.  Well that didn't all, but I wasn't about to pass up this experience.  This weekend was the Chinook Salmon Spawning Experience (and a mini-vacation for me).

My attempt to leave very early on Saturday was sidelined so my hubby could take our dog to a Rattlesnake avoidance class.  It was an educational and rather humorous experience to say the least.  I never thought I would be one who would think seeing dogs getting shocked by a shock collar as funny, but man, some of those dogs put on a show.  Knowing it was something that would potentially keep them safe in the future made it more bearable.  All I know is I don't think Kati will go near a snake anytime soon.

Once I finally hit the road on my way to my father-in-laws house, my excitement grew immensly.  I had no idea what to expect and the stress from home seemed to melt away mile by mile.  I have loved the drive up there since the first time we drove it, but this was the first time I drove it myself.  I actually did quite well  winding along the Payette and Salmon rivers, through tourist-laden McCall, and among the cattle filled meadows. 

We weren't expected at the hatchery until Sunday, but I wanted to go up to Brent's dad's a day earlier so I could do some other things I don't normally get to do when we are up there.  Thankfully I was up there this time at the peak of the blackberry season.  I don't think there is anything I love more than blackberries.. except maybe huckleberries, but more on that later.  Shortly after I arrived, we gathered up our supplies, changed clothes and went on the search of a ripe blackberry patch.  Luckily we didn't have to look long and fell right into a nice patch that eventually yielded us about 3 gallons of ripe blackberries.  Even though we took our snake sticks, we saw no snakes, and after managing to wander my way into a poison ivy patch I remained itch-free.

We drove back to his house and I cleaned up and packaged the berries into the freezer for future use, took a shower, ate dinner and relaxed with my book.  I could already tell that this was going to be an amazing weekend.

to be continued.......

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