Tuesday, January 11, 2011


So I have a new idea for my blog.  On Sunday each week I am going to post a weekly goal.  You are encouraged to join me if you like and check in before the next Sunday and I too will report back in.  Some of these goals may be health related, some might just be things I want to get in the habit of doing, but I want to make it fun!  Let this be a food for thought so we can get to it next week.
Sunday I put up another 12 pints of blackberry jam.  I really love canning.  I actually am looking forward to the next growing season so I can try new things, make more pickles, process more apples and hopefully grow some more things.  I still have even more blackberries to process and some grapes.  I really should do this before school resumes in a week.

So last week I had decided I wanted to learn to make homemade, authentic tamales.  I followed the directions and they turned out really, really good.  So this weekend I made some more and Spencer ate 2 and wanted more.  The other two littles put up a fight and we had to force a bite down them, Gavin in all his drama and glory gagged himself to tears but finally got it down the hatch and then said.. "It's a little bit good, but I dont want anymore."  Start em' young I guess.. Spencer eats more of a variety than any of the others and I think thats good for a 2 year old.  Well almost 2 year old.  Yes, yes.. my baby of babies, my little guy, my LAST one will be 2 on Thursday.  It's a bittersweet event.  That diaperless days are soon to come (after 10 years I think its deserved), and he is the last to go to preschool.  But to know there will be no more little babies, that soon his independence will overshadow his need for me, it is sad and means I'm getting old.  I hope the special bond we have never breaks.

Well folks, think of some goals and lets get crackin.

Ta ta  for now my peeps.

1 comment:

Brent Daley said...

Looking forward to hearing your weekly goal. I too have come up with one. To get the kids new chore list project done. I've been procrastonating on it way too long.