Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I'm a loser baby.. so why don't ya kill me....

I know, I know.. I can hear Beck serenading also.. but this is appropriately my theme song for this week.  First off, I obviously can't even follow through with my own goal.  Well I did in a way but not my personal water goal.  I did well for the first three days and then I really don't know what happened.  The good thing about that is all I have to do is start again.  And this is what I intend to do.

As for the new meal a week, well that did happen, but it wasn't the menu I had lined out.  The thing about having a large family is you have to be flexible.  There are days where I am too tired to make a huge meal, or things happen and it doesn't fit in the schedule.  When Brent made out the menu for the last two weeks, he also added Hamburger Stroganoff.  I will be brutally honest, as I was making it.. there was no way I was going to eat it. My Smell-O-Meter signaled a big fat NO FRICKIN WAY.  Mushrooms.. yuck, sourcream..yuck.  Still, I made it for the rest of the team.  To me it looked like homemade hamburger helper, as if the boxed stuff isn't bad enough.  Surprisingly, Brent, Taylor and Bridget all liked it.  I guess it wasn't a total fail.

Tonight I made breakfast for dinner.  This is honestly one of my favorite meals to make, ever.  I could eat breakfast food every day I think.  So tell me.. how do you screw up breakfast?  I think other events of the day hindered my deliverance of a decent breakfast.  The hashbrowns were too starchy and were a big glob, the eggs burned, the gravy was a mix from the bulk aisle at Winco and smelled like melted plastic and I didn't even serve it.  The best part of the meal was the biscuits and bacon.  It was a total embarassment.

On a lighter note.. even with failing to drink my water and exercise regularily (although I have been utilizing our machine a few times a week), by eliminating my snacking late at night and at work I managed to lose about 4 lbs over the last 3 weeks.  I am pretty happy and it has given me a little more motivation to keep making wiser choices.  We have also decided to re-join the YMCA.  I am so excited.  I have always loved the Y and I will be getting weekends off again which means more family time which translates to less stress and some family swim time.

So ya, I'm a loser.. but if it means loser in that I am a little lighter.. then Ill take that.

1 comment:

Sara Strand said...

I have to get back into my exercise routine. I haven't really gained much back but I need to start losing more again. I'm just not feeling it.. LOL!