Friday, May 20, 2011

So far so good, even with hurdles and road-blocks

Well I am officially on day 12 of logging my food and exercising.  I also found out my brother is doing the same plan and actually joined just 2 days after I did so its pretty cool to have my brother, my husband and my best friend all doing this with me.  When I weigned in last week, I was down 2 pounds.  I knew I would see some results early on, you always do when you are this overweight and drastically change.  It takes a while to even out.  I sort of peeked in between weigh-ins and saw I was up a little so I was a little worried about Thursday.  Amazingly enough, I was down just shy of 2 more, so in 12 days I've managed to lose nearly 4 lbs.  This is a big accomplishment because I have been juggling between the same two, 2 pounds for a long time.  However, it isnt really amazing considering the effort I have put in so far.

I have stayed within my calorie limits  No cheating, no fudging the food diary.. I have written down every single morsel that hits mouth from a pat of butter, to a dum-dum sucker, and even the 500 calorie cup of granola that I ate before knowing the content (which I am now going to try really hard not to do again).  I also have managed to exercise more than usual.  I have gone to the gym a few times, used my Xbox kinect game once, take a walk with the kids.  My goal is to move a little every single day even if its just a walk.

Today I have hit my first major hurdle.  Its the first day I literally have no motivation.  I want to eat poorly, I dont fel like exercising and I am tired.  I managed to curb my craving for junk food today.  I really wanted pizza.  you know of the frozen variety.  I like the DiGiorno's 200 calorie pizzas, even if you eat 2 its still 400 cal., but our teeny tiny grocery store doesn't have them so I looked at the other options and realized I wasn't wasting 420 calories on a lean pocket.. yes I said lean pocket.. What idiot decided that was lean?  That was just for one pocket too and I could easily eat 2.  No wonder I'm overweight.  With a chip serving being 1 oz, and everything else so filled with sodium.  I just can't believe how unhealthy some of the food we eat is and how small the portions are.  When it takes me 35 min to burn 300 calories, that is just barely what I eat for breakfast.  It is what I would consume previously in a snack.  To me it just isn't worth it.

I managed to creep past lunch without makeing a bad decision.  I settled on a baked potato instead of a pizza and then to cure my sweet-tooth I had a Kelllogs Fiber plus bar.  Seriously folks.. the chocolate fudge, caramel, coconut.. tastes JUST like a Girl Scout Samoa cookie.  I actually am more of a salt person, so resisting the cheezits is a lot harder than the candy.  But I did it and am already trying to figure out dinner for myself.  Gavin has T-ball practice and I will have to likely eat on the go, so I need to be smart.

I didn't get fat overnight and it isnt going to come off that fast either.  I also didn't lose 4 lbs in less than 2 weeks by continuing my previous habits.  I know this is just the first bump in my long journey but I feel more empowered than ever.  Now to catch up on my water intake for the day and get my butt off this computer!

1 comment:

Shelly said...

Every day is a new challenge....but we'll make it :) I love you!