Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thinner Thursdays or Fitter Fridays

Well this will be a regular post on either Thursdays or Fridays, depending on when I can get it posted.  Thursday is my official weigh in day now.  I picked it with no scientific method, but only that it seemed like a good day.

So I am officially on week three of follwing Myfitnesspal and tracking my calories and exercise.  I have done some sort of exercise almost every day and stayed below my calorie intake.  I have lost about 4 lbs now but I feel better overall.  The last time I did cardio at the gym, my heart rate stayed fairly normal.  Before, it was sky-high! I thought my heart would fail me and I'd die a preamature death of heart explosion.  I am a lot more motivated to go out and do some things that before seemed so hard.  Lately I started trying to jog. I have made a tiny bit of progress but boy it is difficult.

As for eating, I am so much aware of what goes in my mouth.  I have been doing really well with portions and making better decisions.  It is all such a learning lesson, and not a diet, but a lifestyle change.  I am in this for the long haul.

So the results for todays weigh in.. well I was apparently up 0.2 lbs.  I've already beat myself up over this today and think I have discovered why it is up instead of down.  I am doing everything right so far and this is just a hurdle.  I am OK with it now. And will just keep on truckin.  I am sure it won't be the last time my weight goes the wrong way.  So forward ...march and off we go for another week full of temptations, and victories.

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