Sunday, July 31, 2011

Pretty soon...

We will have eggs.  I might need to bronze the first one because it will be worth more than an egg should be.  For now though, we are just waiting.
In 5 short months... these girls

have turned into this...



I am amazed at how fast they have grown and how their personalities have really come through.  There is definately a pecking order and they make sure everyone abides by it.   The new little ones have fit in quite well and they have even challenged the older ones some.  I cannot believe they have been here a whole month already.  Here is their debut..


I really enjoy sitting outside with them in the evenings, having a cup of coffee and watching them interact with each other.  Since I work most evenings, I usually only do this on the weekends but I look forward to it each night I am off.  Brent and the kids are having fun catching grasshoppers and throwing it to them, they love scraps and greet all of us when we go to their pen.  I like to think they are saying hello, when in reality they just want to be fed.

I knew the time would come, but this morning after my run, Brent noticed Willow had roosted on the top of her pen.  I know I will need to clip her wings soon.  Her breed is a flighty one and one of the better flying chickens and I knew this when I got her.  I just hope clipping her wings will deter her from escaping.

I really had no idea how fun the chicken would be when I got them and they really aren't a whole lot of work.  I love all of their personalities and how different they are from each other.  It's pretty funny but at night when its time to go roost, they have to go up in a certain order.  If any of the 4 little ones try to go inside first, Yoko will go inside and kick them out, then she lets Eleanor and Penny in.  Next the middle 2 little ones will go in and lastly the newest 2.  The three older ones use the roost at night while the others huddle on the floor.  I'm sure there is enough for them all to roost I just don't think they allow the little ones up there.  I wish I had room for another roost but the coop isn't large enough.

For now to try and persuade them to lay their eggs in the nest we have put golf balls in the nesting boxes.  I check them every day.  I feel it will be Penny or Eleanor first since the are the reddest and most mature.  I really can't wait for the first egg!


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