Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thinner Thursday!

Well, it was weigh in time again.  I like to weigh on the same scale and since we were out of town I missed my Monday weigh-in so I did it Wednesday morning instead.  I would be lying if I said I was excited.  In fact, I almost didn't do it til next Monday so I would be more likely to see a loss.

We had been up in Whitebird/Grangeville since Saturday and had eaten our share of Lions burgers, Long Dogs, Rhubarb crisp (homemade by moi), tamales, pizza (twice) and salt water taffy, so I was a bit nervous.  On Sunday I decided to go for a walk and ended up doing more like a hike.  But it was great.  I managed to work in some exercise and get away from the craziness that comes with 5 kids being out of their normal territory for a few days.

So it was the moment of truth and I stepped up on the scale and lo and behold, Miracles do happen.  I managed to lose weight on vacation.  In fact, I met my goal I had set for myself to be at a certain weight by July 4th.  I have officially lost 16.2 lbs.  I am lighter now than I have been in 5 years when Gavin was born. 

I thought back to how I ate this weekend and really I made some good choices.  I passed up a hamburger late one night after the rodeo, and a Soft Pretzel.  We passed up the Strawberry Shortcake tent, and when I was hungry, I snacked on almonds or fruit.  I drank most of my water each day and have continued to survive on my 2 small cups of coffee also.  It would be safe to say that before I was drinking the equalivant of 5-6 cups of coffee, with tons of sugar and cream.  So to say its a diet is not true, this is a lifestyle change.  Im in it for the long haul and feel like this will be the real deal.  I hit 60 days following Myfitnesspal and intend on logging in every day to remind myself to be accountible. 

Who said you have to eat tofu and lettuce to lose weight?  Its all about moderation.

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