Thursday, March 22, 2012

Keepin' it Trim.. or tryin' to.

I have officially decided to quit being a slave to the scale.  It's making me crazy.  I make good choices with my food, I make it to the gym at least 4 times a week and the scale..isn't...budging.  I have lost about 4 of the pounds I gained over my little hiatus but I have been bouncing the same 3 pounds around for about a month now and it is really frustrating.  I know I am getting healthier and stronger, but something must be off.  

The gym I go to has a staff of personal trainers that try and recruit people to sign up for private personal training sessions. Every new member gets a complimentary fitness evaluation but honestly I came away from mine with zero new information.  I didn't feel like dropping a ton of money on a personal trainer so I kindly asked if I could have someone go over the equipment with me some more. One of the trainers agreed to meet with me and go over some weight training so I can shake things up a bit and hopefully work some of the weight off.

Now when it comes to cardio, I can run all day like a hamster in a wheel because really that's what we are doing.  Just tuning out life around us and running on a conveyor belt or pedaling away to nowhere.  The weight machines though, those are a different story.  I had no idea how to use any of them and was very intimidated by them.

Meeting with the trainer was the best hour I have spent at that, or any, gym in my life.  The amount of direction and information I received is really going to help me in this journey.  I was asked to push myself to limits I would have normally stopped short of and now I know that I am stronger than I thought I was.  I am more and more convinced that weight loss and most other challenges in life are about 95% mental, and 5% physical.  You have to have the right mindset in order for the results to be seen.

I think once I let my head stop getting in the way, the results will start to come.  I have been competing with my husband since we started this together just short of a year ago and even though some competition is fun, this sort is counter-productive to what I am trying to acheive.  I will say I am very proud of my husband and how far he has come.  We have both made some tremendous changes and they are starting to pay off.  Now my goal is to steer clear of the numbers on the scale, dedicate myself to doing the work that needs to be done, and to quit being my own enemy. Because like a quote I recently read states, "Its not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think your not" (author unknown).


Sara Strand said...

I feel like I need a buddy to go workout, then I'd feel accountable to someone. But yeah, my friend are either super skinny or content to be fat.

Anonymous said...

I love that quote! I am a compulsive quote collector, and that one is getting posted to the fridge! I probably don't step on the scale as often as I should because the numbers mess with my head. I think having a race or event you're working toward is great motivation. You see the progress you're making in terms of the increased distance you are able to run.

Tales of a Misfit Housewife said...

Oh Sara I really wish I had a workout buddy!

Kim, Thanks ! I stumbled upon that quote and really like it. I am planning on doing my first 5K this year so it gives me something to work towards.