Today is officially the first day of break and of course, it rained over half the day. We managed to get rooms cleaned and some other small projects done and now they can enjoy the rest of the afternoon outside. Nothing is nicer than having kids ready for bed at night after being worn out from playing outside. I am so ready for spring. We spent a good amount of time outside this weekend too and I had that same groggy feeling at the end of the day that the kids do when playing outside. Its a "good" tired though and I wouldn't trade it for anything.
Last night on our evening walk with the kids, we had a kitty follow us all the way home. She was a sweet girl and my kids just loved all over her. When I say she followed us all the way home, I mean she followed us from the other side of the neighborhood, nearly half a mile. It began raining last night and she curled up on our front porch and then disappeared. This afternoon she showed back up and the kids are loving it. Well, most, of the kids. If you don't know, Brent and my oldest daughter are very allergic to cats, so having a cat was never a question, just a known fact that it would likely never happen. The only way we would ever have one is if it were outside and we had land.
I have to admit though, she is a really pretty cat. My other, non-allergic kids are saddened yet still pleading for us to keep kitty. I am just hoping she finds her way back home. I am sure someone is missing this blue-eyed beauty.
Did Kitty find her way back home yet?
Unfortunately no, kitty is still hanging around and in case you are wondering.. we did NOT feed her :) I really home we are able to find her home soon.
Hi there! I'm glad you commented on my blog because now I found yours! That is one beautiful cat. My daughter is also allergic to cats but we did not find that out until after we already had 2. I guess she's not super allergic but it still bothers her at times so I understand the dilemma. We just finished spring break and I totally know what you mean about planning things out and keeping them busy!!
My kids are on spring break nx wk and we have nothing planned- I'm scared!! Gotta get some activities booked to keep them busy.
Following you from Holly!
Thanks for commenting on my blog- per your comment, I'm a fan of meat chickens. I don't like them nearly as much as the layers, but that's a good thing I guess because if you like them you're not going to have suck a happy time sending them to freezer camp:) They're a little more work and a lot more messy, but having a freezer full of responsibly raised meat is payback enough for me!
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