Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Final Countdown

Three days until school begins again and I am in panic mode.  I need to clean the house, do the laundry, plan Spencer’s little birthday party, finish his quilt, read my pamphlets for my Master Naturalist class and the list goes on and on and on.  It’s days like these that I question my sanity and ability to do everything.  I have friends that have called me Supermom and I get strange glances when people learn all I have going on but for me it is just normal life.

Today started out sort of questionable.  I wasn’t in a bad mood even though the night before was stressful, but I was exhausted from a terrible night’s sleep.  I decided early on to make the best of the day and have some fun with the kids. I recruited them to help with some housework and they were fairly reluctant.  After a few loads of laundry were put away, dishes washed and lunch eaten, we packed up and went to downtown Boise to the  MK Nature Center and watch a program on wintering animals.  We took a stroll and saw some deer, fish, and most importantly the kids got to burn off some excess energy.

There were a lot of things I probably could have done to be more productive, but I think we needed to get out of the house.  My list of things is still there, and I will likely be rushing tomorrow to finish some of that stuff.  I am physically exhausted and I don’t even want to think about class starting next week.  I think it was a good day and I am thankful that we live in a wonderful city that offers such resources to fill an afternoon of fun and education, even in the rain. 


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