Monday, January 25, 2010


Well school has officially begun and the reality that I will not be able to blog as often is setting in.  On top of school beginning, it has been a whirlwind of a week.  Anytime sickness enters the house, it is a cyclic event.  First one, then another, then another and so on until we have all been ravaged by anonymous bacterium and viruses.  The two boys had it the worst and I broke down and took them to the Dr. to find out we had ear infections and what was possibly turning into Pneumonia.  Luckily it did not get to that degree and the antibiotics have begun working their magic, but I have a feeling the coughing is going to be around for a while.

Tuesday was my second day of my Master Naturalist class and I am LOVING it!  At the Foothills Learning Center We saw a great demonstration on how to give a nature tour and a great guest speaker,Dr.  Jay Carlisle, from the Idaho Bird Observatory.  On the Nature walk we saw a mating pair of Great Horned Owls and a pair of American Kestrels.  It was amazing.  I also learned about some of the native flora in the area.  Since I am a non-native, I find it very interesting that sagebrush can live over 100 years!

School is already starting out rough.  I rented my textbook this year and as my luck has it, I realized I had the wrong version as I began to take my first quiz.  I was able to alert my instructor and was given an opportunity to take the quiz when I get my new book next week.  I hope this is not the beginning of a crazy semester.

I have had no new cooking blunders.  We are waiting to get some meat from a butcher that stocks free range beef and pork so are eating many meatless meals and chicken that I have found at the store occasionally since it is so expensive.   I can’t wait to get some good healthy meat in the freezer.  On Wednesday Oprah is having Michael Pollan on the show to discuss Food, Inc.  I am so eager to see it.  She has a reputation of bringing awareness to people across the world, I hope she can work her magic with this topic.  It is because of one of her shows that I began buying cage-free chicken eggs. 

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