Sunday, March 14, 2010

Motivationally Speaking

I really don’t know what I am doing up still.  It is daylight saving time and here I am still awake.  I love staying up late at night, I do my best work at night, whether it be for school, cleaning house, thinking…I can only attribute it to the fact that it is the quietest part of the day.  No one saying “mom” every 2 seconds, no dog to let out, no bottoms to wipe, diapers to change, no dishes from lunch to put away, no meals to cook.. I think if the evenings could last forever I would take it.  Now I know that may sound selfish, but I do get overwhelmed with all the noise during the day at times.

I was digging through some old letters the other day and I came across a postcard from my mom’s friend Issy.  It had beautiful watercolor on it and it said “Take a Hike!”  This takes me back to the distant past where I dreamed of hiking the Appalachian Trail.  I read books, researched packs, and the whole mailing/drop off procedures for sending yourself care packages along the way.  Back then I was in fairly good shape.  Hiking seemed easy and it was something I longed to do.  Now here I find myself in the middle of some of the best hiking territory in the country and I have yet to do any substantial hiking.  I am a pretty busy person, but in all reality, I am in terrible shape.  This would be some of the things I have not discussed yet but as of late, my health and weight has really been something I am struggling with.  I do not blame it on having 5 kids.  Pregnancy was the best thing for my weight.  With three of them I actually lost weight during the pregnancy.  I would say I have become increasingly lazy.  Being tired a lot, I just haven't felt like going outside.

I started out 2010 saying this was going to be the year for me.  The year I did things for myself and got out into the world more.  We have been here 4 years and I am ready to explore!  My Naturalist class is going on a hike Tuesday and I am very excited.  I have begun utilizing my exercise videos and exercise machine more as well.  I am determined!  I have one other thing that has stepped up the motivation.  Idaho Fish and Game held an auction a few weeks ago.  I managed to “win” a trip to Northern Idaho to assist with the spawning process of the Chinook Salmon.  I have never been so excited!  There is a hook.  Part of the requisites were for the winner to be in good physical shape and able to handle these 20 pound fish.  Basically I have until August to get back in shape.  This opportunity is my motivation to get in shape.  Sure I want to feel good in general, and I want to look better than I do.  For some people, their motivation is a pair of skinny jeans, of some cute summer shorts.  For me.. I just wanna go sling some salmon around and not keel over in the process.

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