Most of you are probably thinking.. huh? I shall explain. First off I want to state that I am a complete believer that stress is interfering with any and all cooking skills I might have acquired recently. I actually have no desire to cook much of anything right now. I'm doing everything in my power to keep my sanity and somehow provide for the fam at the same time. I haven't worked out once since rejoining the Y. Granted its only been a week but still. It was a looong and hectic week. Im still trying to watch my eating habits but haven't weighed in in a while. I think Saturday will be my start day. I MUST get motivated.
So this week, instead of falling off the wagon, it was a cable car. Since I have been opting for cheap easy meals, I put Rice-a-roni on the menu this week. Its probably the one quick meal in a box that I actually enjoy. I have not made it recently because the last several times I tried it turned out horrible. How do you ruin Rice-a-roni? Is that even humanly possible? It must be, because I did it again. Gluten and I do not get along. Where there is gluten, it finds me and messes up all my meals. Since vermicelli is a pasta (gluten) for whatever unknown reason, instead of it being fluffy rice that were seperate entities, it was a big glob og gluteny goo. Granted it tasted ok, but the texture was not right, it was horrible. I really feel like a kitchen failure.
I totally feel like an unorganized mess lately. I have heard that buying a house is one of the most stressful things you will do and I am believing it. It is effecting me emotionally, physically, mentally. All I want is a home for my family, and to know we are making the right decision. I thought once we were able to buy our house that shopping for one would be fun and exciting. However I'm finding it the opposite. I find myself questioning things and rethinking things I thought I already had figured out. I only want to do what is right. House hunting is exhausting.
I really want to keep up on this blog. I have so much material to post about, I just need to make it a priority. I want to send a shout out to my husband. I know I nag him all the time and sometimes I have a point and sometimes not, however, I forget to thank him when he does some pretty amazing things. Thank you, Brent for having the dishes done most of the nights I come home after midnight, and having the laundry all switched out. I know I have been neglecting my duties since this house stuff has consumed me. And thank you for being a great dad to our kids. Not too many dads take on the duties you do and have done for 10 years in sharing the parenting responsibilities while I work at night so we don't have to use childcare. And thank you for my Valentines Lilies. I prefer unconventional flowers to roses and you did a great job. It was the perfect ending to a very long night. I am pretty lucky, we make a good team.
and PS.. Mom what did I do wrong to mess up the San Fransiscan treat? I don't recall you ever making it gooey.
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