Saturday, June 18, 2011

I'm a slacker

I know I keep saying I am going to keep current on this thing so I dont have to keep making catch up posts, I just seem to forget to do it.  Which is a shame because I have sooo much to talk about.  I don't even know where to start.  I suppose I will do a little update for now and try to keep it up to date after this.

Weightloss: I missed Thinner Thursday which is a damn shame because I have big news! On Monday, I hit my first 10 lbs lost!   And I did it the right way, in 35 days I lost 10 lbs.  This isn't even the greatest thing.  I was doing a video that is supposed to take 30 days.  I got through day 5 and quit.  I didn't quit exercising though and have actually began waking up at 7 at least 2 days a week and going for a jog.  I also hit the gym for 45 min- 1 hour 3 days a week.  I have been on Myfitnesspal for 40 days now and have stayed within my caloric limits every, single day.  I have been able to turn down deserts, chocolate, soda, and even large amounts of carb-laden breads and crackers.  I count EVERYTHING.  Seriously folks.. this is big.

On another note.  When I started this lifestyle change, I had no idea what I wanted to accomplish.. I wanted to love myself, I wanted to be comfortable in my own skin.  I wanted to shop from regular racks of clothing and I wanted to feel good.  About 2 weeks in, I decided to try jogging.  Now you have to understand I was never a very athletic person.  When I played softball I pretended to be in decent shape.  However this is a girl who used to have her big sister forge notes to school excusing me from PE because I just didn't like to exercise (sorry mom).  I don't think I could ever do a pull up or a push up.  I remember running in elementary school for Farrar Fun Day and we had to do a mile race and I came in next to last.  So when I got on the treadmill and started running, I could barely run for a minute and a half.  It was pretty embarassing.  About a week and a half later, I made it 5 minutes and literally cried afterwards.  I went back to intervals after that and didn't try again, until today.  After doing a walking warm up I sped the machine up to a mere 4.4 MPH and began jogging.  It felt good so I didn't stop...until 13.5 minutes later, when I completed a whole mile.  It was exhilirating.  When people talk about a runners high, now I know what that means.  I can't wait to try it again.

Cooking:  I haven't tried a lot of new things lately, but I am working on a new weekly menu for the upcoming weeks and plan on including some new (and healthy) meals.  Brent loves Rhubarb, so I bought a couple stalks and made some rhubarb muffins and they were actually really good.  They apparently needed a little more rhubarb, but for the most part, everyone loved them.  This week was also the first of out CSA deliveries.  I am 100% impressed.  Included in out basket, was a sweet and spicy salad mix, pak choy, romaine lettuce, radishes, scallions, a basil plant, asparagus and a bag of cherries.  I didn't expect that much since we only have half a share, but I am not complaining.  I need to learn how to cook pak choy, and finish up the asparagus and salad mix.  I can't wait to see what this weeks basket will include.

Chickens:  They are really growing.  I am almost positive Lucy, is a rooster.  This makes me sad, because I loved the breed and she was supposed to be a brown egg layer.  If she were a girl, I would have 3 brown egg layers, 2 small white egg layers, and one "easter-egger" whose egg would be blue or green.  Now I will likely be losing a brown egg layer, which happen to be the larger eggs.  They are also turning into pooping brats.  They poop..a lot.  I only let them out for a few hours a day but am having to clean out their coop pretty regularly.  As it gets warmer I have to keep it really clean in there.  They also managed to destroy 2 of my raspberry plants.  This weekend I am going to rig something around the remaining 2 before they decide to eat them too.  I also had to move one of my pansies since they plucked all the flowers off the first one and were starting on that one.  Brats...

Kids:  Last weekend we visited the camp where Taylor and Bridget will be going in July for a week.  I really think they will enjoy it.  This weekend they are with their dad up at his dads doing their annual June fishing trip.  Update from today is that they have already racked up a lot of fish and they just got there this morning.  So for the weekend its me and the three little kidlets.  Today we went to see "Rio" which was wonderful! It was a darling movie and I recommend it to any and all, old and young.  After that we came home, took a nap and then went to dinner at Ihop (still managing to stay under my goal).  On the way home, Gavin proclaimed that "this has been a fun day".  Success.  I have plans for the next couple of days but I am pretty worn out from today.

Thats most of the big news.  I have so much to keep me busy but thankfully exercising has given me more energy than before so I do accomplish more than when I was sitting on my butt all the time.  I will make an honest attempt to keep this up to date a little more.

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