Sunday, December 30, 2012

The new year is upon us

It's that time of year again.   The new year is closing in quickly and for once I am glad this year has come to an end.  I have no real regrets, I accomplished a few things I set out to do, and I am going into the new year with a clear plan of where I want to go in my life.  For the first time that I can think of, I know what I want to be doing and where I'd like to see myself in a year or two, I just don't know how I am going to get there just yet.

I reviewed my goals of 2012 and was thrilled to see I accomplished some of them this last year.  My final kid potty trained back in June!! I am so glad diapers are out of my house for good.  I also ran my first and second 5K, I got my garden up and going, and for the most part we have a semi-working budget.  We also were able to take a vacation even though it wasn't to the ocean.

I was doing really well with the weight loss.  I made it to about 27 pounds lost and then my mom passed away and I pretty much gave up.  I also managed to re-gain over half that weight back and totally lose focus.  My foot injury didn't help either as I was unable to do the one thing I really enjoyed.  This being said, I plan to hop back on the wagon this year and I want to do a juice detox to sort of clean all these truffles and candies out from my insides.

My blog still looks as crappy as it did last year and I didn't post as much as I wanted to.  I need to learn my way around the computer somehow, spruce up this blog and make sure all the pictures work.   I will also be launching an Etsy shop in the near future of some things I am creating.

Thanks to everyone who sticks around to read what I have to say.  I know this year will bring bigger and better things for me and my family and I wish the same for you and yours!

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