Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Mom vs. bird

I finally did it. I prepared my first meal of wild game birds. I decided to roast the pheasant with potatoes and we had thawed out five quail also. I found a recipe called "Southern Fried Quail" and thought it would be right up my alley. Dinner was supposed to also consist of homemade rolls, corn and macaroni and cheese. I thought I had given myself plenty of time to make this meal and eat it before I had to go to work and early into prep, I knew it was going to be rough. I got the pheasant into the oven fairly easily, even though it wasn't quartered like it called for and had it in for 20 min before having to flip it. When I had to flip it, a bone punctured my roasting bag and the broth came running out. Quick, I had to get a new bag, transfer all contents and seal it up again. Yeah.. this was going to be interesting.

Next up were the quail. The recipe called for them to be split down the back and I panicked. Google and You-tube don't fail me now. For some reason there is not a lot of on-line demonstrations on how to prepare quail for frying. I did my best, de-boned the quail, battered and fried them. Next step, make gravy from drippings. I grabbed my phone and hoped my dad would answer. He walked me through browning the flour and making the gravy and I was happy to see it turned out pretty good. Quail, check. Gravy, check. I knew the rolls were a lost cause, there was just no time. I threw the mac and cheese into the pot and ordered the kids to set the table.

At this time, I should have been leaving for work. I got it all out on the table, changed clothes and headed out the door. I know I have mentioned my time management skills being less than adequate. This scenario of making meals for the family and then leaving for work without eating is pretty normal. I really want to change this. As for dinner, the verdict is out on how successful it was. The pheasant was tough. I don't know if this is because it was an old bird or if it's because it was overcooked or because it wasn't quartered. Nevertheless, it was not edible (though Taylor seemed to believe it smelled delicious). I was told the quail was good, however I have my doubts since there was some left over and there wasn't much to begin with. I know I am not a great cook, and I am trying but someday I will be able to deliver a fine meal.. someday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yea, that pheasant was a little tough (I'm still looking for a few teeth). The quail was good though. Keep in mind though besides me there was only two others eating it besides me, and we started on the pheasant. If we would have started on the quail, it would have all gotten eaten. It's a learning process. Plenty of birds left in there to cook up.