Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mama Hen

So as I mentioned, I became the owner of 5 baby chicks this last week.  I had been wanting some for a while, as you may know, "Backyard Chickens" are sort of chic (haha) now.  I actually became interested before the big boom hit about 2 years ago when Natalies' preschool teacher had some hens in her backyard in our subdivision and we would buy eggs from them for $2.00 a dozen.  These were the MOST fantastic eggs I had ever had and I was in love with the novel idea of having a bunch of chickens running around.

I knew I wanted some someday at that point.  But with all things, "someday" was the day we became home owners again and could do what we wanted.  When that day finally arrived, on Friday March 18th, we took the weekend to think about what it meant to be homeowners.. to me it meant freedom!  So Monday I went chicken shopping and when I found out the hatchery was going to have all 4...that I wanted in stock the next day as day-old chicks, I made arrangements to pick them up, set up the brooder, and on Tuesday I brought them home.

Here are my babies :)
Penny Lane  today at 1 week old. She is a Buff Orpington.

Eleanor Rigby is a Light Brahma.  Check out her feathered feet!

Lucy (in the sky with Diamonds) is the largest, she is a Silver Laced Wyandotte.

And Dear Prudence is a supposed Araucana, she will hopefully lay be some beautiful eggs with either green, bright blue, or pink shells.

I know I said I have 5 babies.. well #5 is a Buff Laced Crested Polish.  Now this.. will be a funny looking bird.  I needed a wow factor in my flock and this is it.  Her name will be... *drumroll*... Yoko Ono!

I learned a bit about myself since I got these guys.  I mean why would I want chickens? It isnt proving to be economical.  I mean the coop we bought, the brooder to set up.. feeding them for 4+ months before eggs appear.  Everyone loves babies but for me its more than that.  I loved when my kids were so tiny and depended on me 100%.  I liked the feeling of being needed.  And where my kids still definately "need" me, its different now.  I do NOT want more human babies, nor can we have any but having these babies sort of fulfills my need to nurture a brand new baby.  Even when they are grown the will need me to care for them.  I also really really wanted the kids to have them to help learn some responsibility on pet care.

After I get my new chick, I will post updated pics.. but for now.. night night-4 little chickies all in a row.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Spring has Sprung

Wow, are things ever changing around here.  It seems like we are creeping out of winter from hibernation and stretching out our legs and breathing in the fresh smell of spring.  I love spring.  Fall is my favorite season but with spring, it's like a new beginning, a new start.  Everything is new and growing and changing.  Waking up from a deep slumber.  While here in Idaho, we are still sloshing around in the massive spring rains, the hint of spring is in the air.  The trees are budding, the Red-winged blackbird and Robins have returned from their wintering area.  This year, Spring is symbolic of my life. It truly represents what we have been through. 

I honestly feel like we were hibernating for years. Hiding away grumbling under the snow cover.  Things felt dead, cold, stark, for so very long that this fresh breath of air is so welcome.  Our housing dilemma has finally come to a close.  We decided to purchase out home we were renting here in Middleton and plant our roots for a while.  It is not my dream home, but to have a home that is ours is a dream come true.  No worries of someone telling us to leave, the feeling of betrayal that our landlords were pocketing our rent money for their own use.  Now its ours, our responsibility.

With the joy of homeownership comes the task of making what was a house, a home.  We can decorate now, actually unpack from the latest move, plant a garden, paint, do as we wish.  Now we all know this does not come without its own share of headaches, but something about it being your own, makes it a little more bareable.

So now we have some projects to tend to and I am excited about them all.  I want a real garden this year, so we get to till up the land and plant what we want.  There is some minor landscaping to do, plants to remove, areas to organize.  But it isn't just the physical things that are changing.  We hope to take a vacation this year, a real one.  We were notified today that Taylor was accepted into a great charter school and the others are on a waiting list so hopefully eventually they get in soon too.  I brought home 4 additions to the family today.  We are now the owners of 4 baby chicks, that will soon become egg layers over the summer.  We have 4 and I am picking up another one tomorrow.  They are adorable and I am really enjoying them!  Who knew they cold be so entertaining.  Right now they are living in the garage and their coop will arrive at the end of April.  Shortly after that they will be moved outside.

I have lots to blog about like usual.  the kids are on spring break, but the weather is nasty.  I was hoping for some sunshine but we probably won't see any til Thursday.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Lets do it...

Ok, I feel like a total slacker, but I also feel like I had a legitimate reason for being so.  I still have yet to go to the YMCA since joining.  The first week I was tied up with school and tests, then, the sickness emerged.  First it was Gavin and Spencer, then I got it, then Bridget and finally Natalie.  It was horrible and I got the worst end of it.  I am still hacking up a lung which is why I have not gone this week yet but my goal.. is to go Wednesday (or Friday).  Ok, so I'm back to making an attainable goal because honestly, my first attempt was not very heartfelt.  The positive to being sick was I lost a couple pounds and I will be OK if I do not ever find them again.

Up until now I have been spending all my non-extra time perusing for a house.  House hunting is honestly the most stressful thing I have done in a while.  Now that this activity is possibly not necessary anymore, I really need to kick it into high gear and start playing my roles and performing my duties again.  Since we have been sick going on 2 weeks now, I hate to admit that I cannot remember the last time I cooked a real meal.  My kids and husband are so sick of cereal and oatmeal that I think we all need a break from it.  So tomorrow Im going to make a hearty pot of Beef stew.  I figure it is a safe meal for a group of recovering sickos, plus it just sounds good.

I want chickens.  I don't know why but I want some and have wanted them for a while.  I also want to plant my garden.  I need some more patience because if I jump the gun I could be setting myself up for disappointment again and I don't think I can handle it.  So I am just trying to get in the pre-planning stage.  That way if things for whatever reason don't turn out with the house then I won't have too much invested besides my emotions and they are pretty used to getting worn down so I can handle that. 

I am ready for spring.  I am tired of being cooped up, of cold weather, and gray skies.  I think that if things work themselves out in the next few weeks, we will be on ouw way to a more enjoyable and joyous time in our lives.  We have been in the dark ages for far too long and I'm ready for some rays of sunshine.