Friday, May 10, 2013

Garden Progress

It has been really tough to resist planting the rest of the garden early and it looks as if it is finally time to get the rest of the plants in the ground.  There is just a sliver of snow left on the peak of Shafer Butte, and the days are getting warmer.  We might hit 90 this weekend.  I probably could have planted a couple of weeks ago and covered them when we had that one night of frost, but I wanted to be safe.  My early season seeds that I planted back in April are really taking off.  The snow peas did not all germinate so I am going to replant some after soaking them.

Yesterday I picked up the tomatoes and peppers.  I still need to buy cucumbers and a zucchini plant, plant my dill and basil seeds and we will be set.  I was able to plant the tomatoes and the green beans yesterday afternoon but it got hot out there fast so I will plant the peppers today.  Here is how the garden is faring so far.

The potato planter

Radishes and carrots, lettuce and scallions


I have been slowly taking out all of the grass from around the garden beds.  They were a real pain to mow around last year and I thought it would look nice if we landscaped it a little by putting in some edging and mulch so it is more like a designated garden area.  It is a s...l...o...w process but I think it is starting to look great.  You can see in the tomato picture where I have taken the sod out from that area.  I looked all over for a sod cutter and couldn't find one, so I went to Lowe's and found this knife.  Its used for linoleum, but it works perfectly for cutting sod.

So bit by bit, I have been clearing it all out.  It's a decent workout also!  I am thrilled that the potatoes are growing.  Its always a little intimidating when trying to grow anything new.  It will be a while before we add the next level of boards but all three planters have leaves growing and they seem to double in size daily.  I have realized that I love gardening! I had to give the tomatoes more space this year because last year they overtook the beds and were too close together.  It limited how many things I can grow this year and I was pretty upset that I couldn't grow everything I wanted to.  I would love to have a huge garden to plant things.  Even if I just gave some of the veggies away, I just enjoy gardening.  I think it can be therapeutic in a way.

Tomorrow is the Race for the Cure and we decided not to do it.  Instead I am going to take the older girls out for a hike Sunday to somewhere new.  It should be a good time.

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